Opening Statement
The Moira Anderson Foundation is determined to provide a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environment for everyone who associates with us in any capacity, personal or professional. We strive to be inclusive of staff, therapists, volunteers, trustees, clients, and friends and clients’ families. It is of utmost importance to MAF that everyone who attends feels equally safe, accepted, believed, and understood; free of judgement or discrimination of any kind. It is imperative that everyone is treated equally, inclusive of all genders, identities and sexual orientations. We are determined that MAF is a safe haven for all. MAF wants everyone to feel they can be their most authentic self, where they are included, accepted, supported, and celebrated. We will continue to strive for inclusivity for the LGBTQ+ community with our consistent application of our values, principles, and policies.
LGBTQ+ Champions
We are a small group within the organisation consisting of staff members, client representatives, volunteers and trustees who are committed to ensuring the continuity and stability of our steady drive for further inclusivity. Fortunately, we have the full support and help of our peers, colleagues, managerial staff, and board members. The group convenes monthly to facilitate and achieve everything that is required to maintain and continuously improve upon our commitment to inclusivity within our service. Some examples of this would be raising awareness and celebrating our alliance with the LGBTQ+ community, by hosting in-house events and events in the community; providing training and resources for staff members; maintaining a visible presence in our premises, online and through our social media platforms; attending large events like MardiGla in Pride Month; showcasing our Blog on the website, and establishing and following our LGBTQ+ and Trans Inclusive Policies.
LGBT Youth Scotland Charter
Another objective currently being carried out by the LGBTQ+ Champions is working towards the LGBT Youth Scotland Gold Charter. Incidentally, MAF held the Bronze Award until July 2023, when it expired. However, we wanted further learning and development, so signed up to go for the Gold Standard Award. The fundamental principle of the charter is to provide organisations with knowledge, guidance, training and advice on policies and procedures pertaining to full inclusion for everyone in the LGBTQ+ community. Our challenge is to ensure inclusivity and ease of access to our services. We are committed to achieving this all-important level of inclusivity and will endeavour to uphold the fundamental principles of the charter going forward.
Your thoughts, opinions and suggestions are important to everyone at MAF, we would love to hear from you. All feedback is welcome, please get in touch with any suggestions you may have, to improve our service and help us become more inclusive by using our Anonymous Feedback.